Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Its the End of the World...

           Every once in awhile, I look around at the world around me, watch the news, look at what’s happening in my neighborhood, talk to my friends about their lives, and I loose all faith in humanity.

Its depressing isn’t it? To think that we can look around at the people we share this planet with and think to ourselves, Magneto was right, when the mutant invasion comes, I’ll probably be on his side.

Are we all that bad though? Has our world just become a crime infested slime hole? Do you ever stop to think if all those super hero movies are right? Would we really take ourselves to the point that we would lock someone up and run endless experiments on them? Have we sunk that low?

It always seems that when I reach this all time low, something miraculous happens. Something that can instantly restores my belief that we just might survive the next thousand years.

This morning I was walking by a motel near where I live. The cleaning lady’s cart had fallen over in the wind, and all of her cleaning supplies had fallen on the ground. As I was walking by, three college age guys went over and started picking everything up. They didn’t ask for anything, to my knowledge the cleaning lady never even knew what had happened, as she was in one of the rooms when it happened.

When things like that happen, I smile inside. It brightens my day. I don’t even have to be the recipient of any service. Just seeing that there are still people in the world who can be altruistic, and do something good without anything in return makes me happy.

I don’t mean the political stunts that companies do. Lets face it, those always are going to be more beneficial the companies than anything else they do. This is something that’s really on a personal level. Seeing the guy at the gas station whose car needs a jump, buying a random stranger a simple lunch, helping a lady get home with her groceries.

If you’re still reading this, I encourage you to go out and be that nice person today. If you feel like crap, or if you feel fantastic, it’s all the same. Forgetting about your own life and putting someone in need first is surprisingly satisfying. I’m not sure why, but it is. Do something nice for someone, don’t worry if you’re gonna get recognized, or even seen. Just do it. restore my faith in humanity. Who knows, you might even restore your own!

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