Monday, March 28, 2011

Get your priorities straight man!

I know that you’ve said this to someone at one point in your life. Don’t even try to deny it. On the flip side, I’m sure you’ve probably thought this about yourself at one point or another. If you’re ANYTHING like me, you’ve had this thought multiple times (weekly)...

"Dude, Go away, I'm napping!"

Why is it that so often we organize our days in such a way that we put what’s really important behind what we want to be important.
You may be wondering what prompted this. Well, just moments ago I told a friend of mine that his priorities were messed up, about thirty seconds later I looked at myself and realized, I was wasting my precious time on the computer, when there were more pressing matters at hand. Work that really needed done.
My posting might be a bit short this week for that very reason… oops
Seriously though, Lets take a moment and think of our great-great-grandfather. He probably was probably the kind of guy that got up in the morning, ate breakfast, went out to work for up to 10 hours a day, came home, and spent the rest of his waking hours with his wife and kids.
OK, that might be slightly idealistic, but I hope you get the idea.
What’s the difference now? You probably hate the answer as much as I do. It’s having a convenient life. Just think about it for a few moments. Once you stop to think about it, living in and of itself, wasn’t really convenient for your great-great-grandfather. I met a man who spent some time in the Congo, he asked one of the friends he made there what he did for a living; his answer might surprise you. “Well mostly I just try to eat every day.”
Please don’t take me for the abandon what’s good and live in a cave type person. I LOVE my computer and ipod…most of the time… Honestly there are days that I’d like to just chuck them out the window. They cause such a distraction!
I go to do some work on my laptop, I get online, and before I even think about what I meant to do I’ve already checked my facebook, my myspace, my twitter, my e-mail, my blog, and a host of other time consuming things
For your sake I hope you aren’t like me.
What can we do about this?
Record how much time you spend with your technology (mp3, internet, videogames, whatever) and next to that record how much of that time was useful. What I mean is ACTUALLY doing work. Checking your e-mail, facebook, and other things once per day I won’t count as wasting, or listening to music while you walk/run/do anything.
At the end of the week look at what you’ve recorded, and notice the difference of total time and time wasted.
I have yet to do this, but as a promise to my readers, I’ll do this. Once you’ve done this, let me know.
Maybe we can make the world a better place by un-sticking ourselves from our tvs and ipads. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this, Any questions, concerns, or comments you may have are more than welcome! Tell your friends about it too!

Photo courtesy of Will and Guy's funny pictures of a useless cat.

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