Monday, March 28, 2011

Get your priorities straight man!

I know that you’ve said this to someone at one point in your life. Don’t even try to deny it. On the flip side, I’m sure you’ve probably thought this about yourself at one point or another. If you’re ANYTHING like me, you’ve had this thought multiple times (weekly)...

"Dude, Go away, I'm napping!"

Why is it that so often we organize our days in such a way that we put what’s really important behind what we want to be important.
You may be wondering what prompted this. Well, just moments ago I told a friend of mine that his priorities were messed up, about thirty seconds later I looked at myself and realized, I was wasting my precious time on the computer, when there were more pressing matters at hand. Work that really needed done.
My posting might be a bit short this week for that very reason… oops
Seriously though, Lets take a moment and think of our great-great-grandfather. He probably was probably the kind of guy that got up in the morning, ate breakfast, went out to work for up to 10 hours a day, came home, and spent the rest of his waking hours with his wife and kids.
OK, that might be slightly idealistic, but I hope you get the idea.
What’s the difference now? You probably hate the answer as much as I do. It’s having a convenient life. Just think about it for a few moments. Once you stop to think about it, living in and of itself, wasn’t really convenient for your great-great-grandfather. I met a man who spent some time in the Congo, he asked one of the friends he made there what he did for a living; his answer might surprise you. “Well mostly I just try to eat every day.”
Please don’t take me for the abandon what’s good and live in a cave type person. I LOVE my computer and ipod…most of the time… Honestly there are days that I’d like to just chuck them out the window. They cause such a distraction!
I go to do some work on my laptop, I get online, and before I even think about what I meant to do I’ve already checked my facebook, my myspace, my twitter, my e-mail, my blog, and a host of other time consuming things
For your sake I hope you aren’t like me.
What can we do about this?
Record how much time you spend with your technology (mp3, internet, videogames, whatever) and next to that record how much of that time was useful. What I mean is ACTUALLY doing work. Checking your e-mail, facebook, and other things once per day I won’t count as wasting, or listening to music while you walk/run/do anything.
At the end of the week look at what you’ve recorded, and notice the difference of total time and time wasted.
I have yet to do this, but as a promise to my readers, I’ll do this. Once you’ve done this, let me know.
Maybe we can make the world a better place by un-sticking ourselves from our tvs and ipads. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this, Any questions, concerns, or comments you may have are more than welcome! Tell your friends about it too!

Photo courtesy of Will and Guy's funny pictures of a useless cat.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh the Twisted Lies!

Today in society it seems that lying has not only become accepted, but even expected in our day to day lives.
            “Does this dress make me look fat?”

            “Does my hair look OK?”

            “Am I being annoying right now?”

Just to name a few examples, it doesn’t really matter what the real answer is, what you are expected to say is no, yes, and no.
            Now these responses aren’t really that bad, in all reality looking fat isn’t that huge of a deal, I may not like your hair, that’s just my opinion, and YES you are getting on my nerves, but I’m pretty good at tolerating you, plus I’ll never see you again. The problem is when these little ‘courtesy lies’ start to spread to other aspects of our lives.
            “Why are you breaking up with me?”
            “Why is your party cancelled?”
            “Why didn’t you return my call?”
What you say in these situations and what you really feel end up being entirely different.
            “I like you, but I just don’t think things are working out here.”
            “I’m feeling sick, and I don’t think that having a party would be a good idea.”
            “My phone hasn’t been working.”
While our up-bringing has made it exceptionally difficult for us to be honest, or as its come to be called lately, blunt, honesty continues to be the best policy.
            “The truth? I thought about it, and there’s just nothing I like about you.”
            “The party is still on; I just don’t want you there.”
            “Take the hint; I don’t want to talk to you!”
OK, maybe you can be a little more subtle when you try to respond. The point of this is that the truth has a way of traveling, often times it moves faster than lies. If you have ever been on the receiving end of one of these lies, you can understand what I’m about to say…
Nothing gives the sense of betrayal like finding out the truth from an innocent first party.
            “Dude! Why weren’t you at the party? It was totally awesome!”
            “Ummm, Mike told me it was cancelled…”
I hope you’re laughing right now, cause that means that you’ve either never been there, or you’re a good enough natured person to deal with it and move on. As for the rest of you, I know how much it sucks to be ‘that guy.’
            For those of you who are guilty of lying (and not just about the examples I’m giving) which I’m pretty sure includes the general population, make amends. As much as you may not really like a person, they deserve to know the truth about what you’re thinking. You’re not going to like every person you meet, and you aren’t gonna want to spend time with every person on the planet. I guarantee that, at some point in your life, you will meet a person that you don’t want to talk to/ be around. Unfortunately the tendency is to lie, and come up with a valid excuse not to talk to them. It’s hard, but do the right thing.
            For those who have been lied to, the same principals apply, if someone doesn’t want to talk to you, deal with it, there are like 6 billion people on this planet, odds are that someone out there IS gonna want to be your friend. If you fail, get up and try again.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, Any questions, concerns, or comments you may have are more than welcome! Tell your friends about it too!

Images courtesy of (in order) (Yu-Gi-Oh 5D)

Monday, March 14, 2011

4 simple steps to make a guy go completely insane!

So I've recently discovered one of the most effective ways to emotionally torture a guy to insanity (or close enough to it). It's pretty simple in its idea, and it works... Trust me.
   First... Get a guy to go crazy about a girl. I'm talking about him going head over heels. Every time he sees her, he likes her more. Sex has nothing to do about it, sure it's helpful if she's pretty, but he's going gaga over her personality, and who she really is. OK, step one good?
  Second... Have them go on a few dates together, you may see this as part of step one, it kind of is, but it's also absolutely critical that they have a MINIMUM of 3 dates, but there can be no more than 6. Sex might come into the picture a little more here, but thats just to compound his growing emotional attachment to her.
  Third... Now she, miss wonderful dream girl, has to do her part. Out of nowhere she has to stop seeing him. At first her excuses can seem legitimate, you know, "I promised my friends I'd hang out with them", "I have to work late (or homework for you college kids", etc. After a week though, He's gonna start to realize there's something wrong. As a bonus, you can plant a third party that makes comments about how she doesn't wanna see him, this serves a dual purpose, It not only makes him paranoid, but will speed the process up.
  Fourth... She cuts off all communication. No explanations, No obvious reason, Nothing.
 Results... He tries desperately to figure out what he possibly could have done, his nights are sleepless going through every moment of of their time together, trying to remember if he said something wrong. He spends hours on end thinking of what he can say in the next voice-mail, or text message that will get her a response. He will likely become temporarily bi-polar, ranging from absolute hatred that she would dare do such a thing to him, to absolute despair for being such a stupid idiot, and doing whatever he did (though he has no idea what it could be) and making her hate him so.

If you're still reading this, I hope that you believe that this works. If you're a guy thats gone through this, I hope you are laughing. If not, well, I also speak from experience, and I feel your pain. If you are the lucky guy who hasn't had this happen, I hope you stay lucky.
If you're a girl, you probably don't believe me. I don't know why, but when guys try to tell girls how much they can tear a guy apart from the inside, they never believe it. You should be thinking that when a guy tell you can do to him, think of it as though its coming from an expert. Nobody knows more about what girls can do to guys than ANY GUY LIVING. Sometimes i wish it weren't true, but sadly it is. Maybe its because of the simpleton mind of a man is just overwhelmed when it meets the complex superhighway of the girls brain, but its honestly just shy of terrifying.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, Any questions, concerns, or comments you may have are more than welcome! Tell your friends about it too!