Monday, March 14, 2011

4 simple steps to make a guy go completely insane!

So I've recently discovered one of the most effective ways to emotionally torture a guy to insanity (or close enough to it). It's pretty simple in its idea, and it works... Trust me.
   First... Get a guy to go crazy about a girl. I'm talking about him going head over heels. Every time he sees her, he likes her more. Sex has nothing to do about it, sure it's helpful if she's pretty, but he's going gaga over her personality, and who she really is. OK, step one good?
  Second... Have them go on a few dates together, you may see this as part of step one, it kind of is, but it's also absolutely critical that they have a MINIMUM of 3 dates, but there can be no more than 6. Sex might come into the picture a little more here, but thats just to compound his growing emotional attachment to her.
  Third... Now she, miss wonderful dream girl, has to do her part. Out of nowhere she has to stop seeing him. At first her excuses can seem legitimate, you know, "I promised my friends I'd hang out with them", "I have to work late (or homework for you college kids", etc. After a week though, He's gonna start to realize there's something wrong. As a bonus, you can plant a third party that makes comments about how she doesn't wanna see him, this serves a dual purpose, It not only makes him paranoid, but will speed the process up.
  Fourth... She cuts off all communication. No explanations, No obvious reason, Nothing.
 Results... He tries desperately to figure out what he possibly could have done, his nights are sleepless going through every moment of of their time together, trying to remember if he said something wrong. He spends hours on end thinking of what he can say in the next voice-mail, or text message that will get her a response. He will likely become temporarily bi-polar, ranging from absolute hatred that she would dare do such a thing to him, to absolute despair for being such a stupid idiot, and doing whatever he did (though he has no idea what it could be) and making her hate him so.

If you're still reading this, I hope that you believe that this works. If you're a guy thats gone through this, I hope you are laughing. If not, well, I also speak from experience, and I feel your pain. If you are the lucky guy who hasn't had this happen, I hope you stay lucky.
If you're a girl, you probably don't believe me. I don't know why, but when guys try to tell girls how much they can tear a guy apart from the inside, they never believe it. You should be thinking that when a guy tell you can do to him, think of it as though its coming from an expert. Nobody knows more about what girls can do to guys than ANY GUY LIVING. Sometimes i wish it weren't true, but sadly it is. Maybe its because of the simpleton mind of a man is just overwhelmed when it meets the complex superhighway of the girls brain, but its honestly just shy of terrifying.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, Any questions, concerns, or comments you may have are more than welcome! Tell your friends about it too!


  1. Sadly, most every girl has this very same story, myself included.'s not just you, not just men, it's all of us.
    No reason is good enough to not be honest with your feelings and upfront about ending a relationship.
    I hope you feel better soon...we aren't all that way.

  2. Thank you for letting us know that Recluse, having never been a girl, I could not make that assumption. Now we are all aware though, that the sword cuts both ways
